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A Clean Closet Equals a Clear Mind: Seasonal Clothing Storage Tips and Tricks


When the seasons change, so do our options in clothing. While our winter jackets take up a heck of a lot of space in our wardrobes, our bikinis can fill up a whole drawer too. When our space in our home isn’t built to handle all of our seasons of clothing, we can find ourselves in the mix of disorganization, messiness and clothing chaos. Frustrations that we definitely don’t need to experience when it comes to what we wear. But don’t worry, with some clothing racks here, clothes organizers there and some seasonal clothing storage tricks, Reibii has you covered.

It may seem odd to some to feel as though preparing our clothes for the season is important, but the benefits of proper storage can help us out a lot. Not only in the cleanliness of our space but also in the way our minds work. There has been plenty of research and discussions about how a clean and organized space can improve our mental health. So, while decluttering and organizing your clothes may seem like a drag, your mind may actually thank you.

1. Sorting and Organizing

The sorting and organization of your seasonal articles of clothing don’t need to be complicated, and it's best to create some sort of system. Your system can be whatever you desire it to be. Though we suggest looking into the categories below to start you off.

  • By Season

We all know that each season our clothes can change dramatically (of course, depending on where you live). Our winters could include big bulky jackets, thick layered pants, a multitude of scarfs, gloves or hats and not to mention those extra thick socks.

On the other hand, our summer clothes typically involve the least amount of material and space. When one is so much more dramatically bigger than the other, our clothes can get lost in the mess. Your favourite t-shirt may have gotten lost in all the long sleeve base layers you wear in the winter.

To help with any mix-ups, divide your clothes into their seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. This will encourage you to see exactly what items you can store and what items you can organize in your wardrobe.

  • By Category or Color

Your following option is to divide those items into categories or color. While some people are happy to simply have their seasonal items or clothes, in general, sit in the closet, others love to be able to colour-coordinate their clothes for aesthetics.

This means either simply dividing up by colour or categories like casual t-shirts, workout gear, dressy pants, or jeans or you can go a step further and divide them into what you'll wear the most or least. All the creative options are absolutely up to you.

  • Purging Unwanted Items

Once you have laid out everything you own, you can also decide what it is you don’t need anymore.

Sometimes we accumulate so dramatically that we don’t realise we haven’t worn that dress or those shoes in years. Purging is great for our space, our organization and our minds.

Plus, you can easily donate the clothing you don't need anymore and allow someone else to enjoy what's been sitting in your closet for far too long.

2. Cleaning and Preparing Clothes for Storage

Let’s say, for example; you want to store away all of your winter clothes for the summer season coming. Unfortunately, it can’t be as simple as throwing them in a box under the bed or storage areas like the garage.

Our clothes can be delicate and as we’ve spent plenty of our hard-working money on staying stylish or warm, we indeed need to make sure we are taking the best care of them. We can achieve this by:

  • Checking For Stains Or Damages

Before storing your clothes, it's beneficial to check if there are any stains or damage to the material.

These stains can be any place on the garment, so take a good look at your clothes. If you find one, see if you are capable of removing the stain before deciding whether or not to store them.

As for damages, you can look for zippers, buttons, ripped seams or loosening threads. For the most part, a simple sewing kit and your basic sewing skills should do the trick in mending them.

  • Washing and Drying Clothes

Once again, you can't be throwing your clothes into a box and storing them without making sure there are clean and dry first.

When we take shortcuts, smells coming from our own sweat, dust, deodorants or perfumes and natural aromas can settle into our clothing. The longer they stay there, the harder or more time-consuming they are to remove.

As a result, once you have washed and thoroughly dried your clothing – dampness can also cause some serious issues with clothing storage – you can have the peace of mind that when winter returns, your clothes will be fresh and ready to go

  • Hanging, Folding or Rolling Your Clothes

It’s a burning question and one we do have the answer for. However, it does still depend on what clothes organizers you plan on working with, so adjust to what you have. Though considerations should include the weight and fabric of the item.

For simple guidance, check out or table below:


  • · 100% cotton clothing 
  • · Linen clothing 
  • · Velvet clothing 
  • · Silk or Satin Blouses
  • · Rayon Shirts
  • · Dress pants and trousers
  • · Woollen overcoats
  • · Jumpsuits
  • · Leather or suede jackets
  • · Blazers and any other structured items like a corset 
  • · Delicate scarves 


  • · Thick and heavy knit sweaters or dresses
  • · All-sleeved (different lengths) t-shirts 
  • · Shorts, jeans and casual pants
  • · Knit, denim or long-fabric skirts
  • · All active wear
  • · Shawls
  • · Embellished gowns 


  • · Underwear and socks (including lingerie)
  • · All-sleeved (different lengths) t-shirts 
  • · Leggings
  • · Ties
  • · Scarves 
  • · Light sleepwear

3. Storing Clothes in the Right Location

Before you decide on where exactly to place your stored clothes, you must put into consideration the climate of the space.

Areas that are dark, cool and dry will work best in keeping your clothing items staying fresh and well-kept for the time they are stored. If the area is bright, the light is able to fade your clothing and extreme temperatures can also cause discoloration as well as weakened fibers and shrinking. 

Aspects of clothing storage we want to avoid. Great common places can include spare closets or underneath beds. However, we don’t all have this option, so though less dry, other very common spaces are attics, basements or garages.

If you are unable to find a dark, cool and dry space that works, your other options are still available. You must, however, take the time in creating the most ideal circumstances as mentioned above. Especially in relation to moisture.

Another burden we may need to deal with is both pets and pests. Pets getting into our stored clothes can be prevented by placing them in high-up places or in boxes so pets – especially cats – can't get inside or use your clothes to sleep on. Pests are a whole other ball game, but doable, nonetheless. It could come down to using products to help eliminate or keep away pests, or using something as simple and natural as mixing herbs like lavender and cloves.

4. Choosing the Right Storage Container

Although we have mentioned throwing your clothing in a box and placing it in the garage a few times, this is far from the accurate way to go about it. 

Storage solutions are far and wide and what you select can impact how your clothes will handle their time in storage. Especially when it comes to dust, moisture and even pests.

For instance, if you do plan on storing your items in a space like a garage or a basement, you do need to put moisture and pests into consideration. An airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag could do the trick in keeping your clothes fresh in potentially damp places.

On the other hand, you do retain the option of closet organizers. If you have the space, clothing racks, shelves or dividers will be the ideal tools to keep your space neat, and stop clothes from getting mixed up, tangled or crushed. This especially comes in handy when storing your hats, gloves or scarves. 

You can also look exclusively into drawer dividers. Dressers or storage units with drawers could really benefit from divides to keep folded or rolled clothing organized. You can separate many different items like t-shirts, socks and underwear into one drawer, providing you with easy searching and finding later on.

5. The Best Combination for Clothes Storage at reibii.com

Always make sure the clothes are completely air-dried before putting them in storage containers to prevent the growth of bacteria, mold and unpleasant odors.

For underwear, socks or shorts you can choose to use the Raybee drying rack for final drying.

For thick coats, long skirts, coats, etc., you can choose this double-capacity retractable hanger from Raybee. It not only has a huge capacity, but also the height of 68 inches allows all your clothes to be stretched freely without the trouble of wrinkling.


Once all the laundry has dried, you'll want to keep everything in an easy-to-reach place, following the clothes storage method mentioned earlier.

Raybee 990 lbs large clothing rack must be a clothes organizer that you can't miss!

Its biggest feature is that it has plenty of space for hanging clothes, and you can redefine your long clothes area and short clothes area according to the length of clothes you need to store, so it can fully accommodate your delicate clothes that cannot be folded! You can store your or your family's sweaters, coats, coats, down jackets in winter or thin clothes in summer together.

How many boxes and boxes you can save with just this one! And its visualization can also save you a lot of trouble of rummaging through boxes and cabinets!


But besides clothes that need to be hung or stored in long garments, there are many clothes that are more appropriate to be folded and stored. For example, your or your child's underwear, swimsuits, as well as winter accessories such as hats, scarves, and gloves.

Never underestimate these small items, as they always seem to appear accidentally under the bed, in the corner of the closet or room, making your space look messy.

The best way is to gather them together and separate them perfectly by category, just like computer files. When you want to find a certain accessory, you come to this storage cabinet. Then, open the drawer of the corresponding category, it lies quietly there waiting for you.

This is also the original intention of our design for EnHomee dresser with 16 drawers - you can set up at least 16 categories to keep all your things organized, making your home clean and beautiful!

6. Maintaining Stored Clothes

You are not entirely finished with your clothes now that they are in storage. Checking on them to see if they are doing okay and are exempt from any pests or mould is vital in ensuring fresh clothing later on. Some specific fabrics will be most important to look at first, including natural fibers like silk or wool. Especially in the earlier days of storage. Once you can be sure no moths or damage has been caused, your checkups can be a little more infrequent.

When it comes to other storage solutions like clothing racks, it is vital to ensure there is good air circulation and ventilation. Any stale or damp air can cause irreversible damage to the clothing. Having good airflow allows for clothes to continue staying fresh.

On top of these ways of maintaining stored clothing, you can also reorganize and rotate your clothing periodically. By doing so, you can ‘air out’ your items, allow for the fabric to take on an alternative form or check for any issues that may have arisen during its time in storage. Delivering you the peace of mind that your clothes are doing just fine tucked away.


Out of sight, out of mind. A typical English phrase that allows us to clear our space and clear our minds at the same time. When it comes to clothing storage, utilizing the right tools, information and tips can be imperative to how well your clothes come out next season. When you are able to sort and organize your clothing, clean and prepare them, choose the right storage solutions, find the best location and maintain your items. Then you are setting yourself up for success.

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